Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

My First Post in English

Yesterday I got a mail from SPS ITB. Yeah, I was accepted as a doctoral student candidate in ITB, my beloved campus, the place where I spend my time the most. I really love this place, I do not know why. There were many memories for me, unforgetable memories. I found friends who have the same character with me, who understand me.

I always miss that moments, the moments when I laughed, became stressed, the exams, study orienatation, and so on. I always miss my friends too. Now, they are far from me. They have their own way. So do I, I have my own way altought without them.

Let them be a part of my life joutrney. Nothing immortal in this world, so do they. But, they always be in my heart. After they have gone, I felt so lonely. My new friends can't replace them. They are different. I can't feel the happiness like before.

I hope we can always meet. Yeah, at least we meet on the wedding party of one of us.

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